Sunday, October 26, 2014

Upcoming Dates!

We will be singing:


and the program is


Practice a lot. Let people know what you're doing. Invite them when it's time to perform! People love seeing their friends perform. It's a great way to share the spirit that you love!

Come to Us, Emmanuel

This site has most of the pages and ALL of the song to listen to. Because of copyright, I won't post the pages here, but this is a super good resource to listen to!

Next to the picture of the music, there is a button that says "listen", click that and it opens a new window with music to listen to and a little over half of it to follow along with.

Sister Shleiss will be playing the flute with us and Sister Lamb will be playing the piano. *excited squeal* It's going to sound so good, from what you've done already, I can tell!

O Little Town of Bethlehem

This is for your practicing pleasure! Just save and print... do whatever you want with it!

If you want to sing along with someone, here's a great resource:
Just scroll down to hymn #208 and click the green play button or download it. They won't be doing the same arrangement (like when we do just women, just men, etc.), but the notes are the same! It's great for practice!